Discover how I leveraged strategic marketing and Facebook Ads to scale a digital product to 6x growth and 813% ROI
The Scenario
Sarasvati Studio, a Brazilian yoga company specializing in mental health, approached me to migrate their services to the digital environment. Our task was to create a competitive product and scale it using Facebook Ads.
Growth Opportunity
To meet the client’s objectives, I conducted market research and created a persona for the product. We also developed a pricing strategy to determine the necessary features to scale faster. Identifying the key pain points of the target audience and their motivation for enrolling in yoga/mental health classes enabled us to create a unique and competitive offer.
My work
To ensure a seamless shopping experience for customers, we built a Landing Page and selected an appropriate payment gateway & online environment. To maximize reach and impact, I created a Facebook funnel with different ads and offers for various funnel stages (top, middle, and bottom). The campaigns were so successful that the client earned 6x their initial investment in Facebook Advertisement. Some campaigns had such a drastic reduction in CPA that the ROI increased by 813%.
For reasons of business secrecy, certain data above had to be blurred/not shown.
"Anna has a sharp perception and can spot problems before they arise. She's highly skilled in strategizing, analyzing and keeping an overview of a project or team. She is very sensitive & sensible in using proper communication lines, and can adapt easily in various roles, depending on the needs of team members. She is a natural leader, a proactive team member and a highly accountable colleague. Anna has the knack for understanding what is needed in order to get a desired outcome and how to support and motivate the team to reach success."